Latest News
Jan 2019: Gave an oral presentation and presented a poster on our paper “Video Jigsaw: Unsupervised Learning of Spatiotemporal Context for Video Action Recognition” at Winter Applications of Computer Vision (WACV’19).
Dec 2018: Successfully defended my Ph.D. Dissertation “Leveraging Mid-level Representations for Complex Activity Recognition”
Aug 2018: Our new paper “Video Jigsaw: Unsupervised Learning of Spatiotemporal Context for Video Action Recognition” is out on ArXiv.
May 2017: Abstract accepted to CVPRW Women in Computer Vision (WiCV) 2017 to be held in Honolulu, HI on July 26, 2017.
April 2017: Successfully defended my PhD thesis proposal!
Feb 2017: Our paper “Towards Using Visual Attributes to Infer Image Sentiment Of Social Events” has been accepted to the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2017.
Dec 2016: Our paper “Complex Event Recognition from Images with Few Training Examples” got accepted to WACV’17. [arXiv pdf]
September, 2016: Poster presented in the 8th annual Health & Humanitarian Logistics (HHL) Conference held in Atlanta GA.
August 2016: Our paper “Refugee Resettlement Housing Scout” got accepted to Bloomberg Data for Good Exchange (D4GX) 2016.
July 2016: Completed the summer internship with a project for New American Pathways which is basically a tool that recommends good locations for resettling refugees based on the parameters set by the resettlement agency. Press coverage here. Radio podcast here. Project poster here
April 2016: Got accepted to the Data Science for Social Good 2016 as a summer intern, Atlanta.
January 2016: Passed my PhD Qualifier Examination!
Spring 2016: I am TA for Computational Photography (CS 4475/6475) taught by Dr. Irfan Essa on campus.
June 2015: Presented a poster at CVPR Workshop on Women in Computer Vision.
March 2015: Got renewal of Schlumberger Faculty for the Future Fellowship for 2015-2016.
October 2014: Gave a talk about current work at the Computation+Journalism Symposium held at Columbia University
June 2014: Gave the workshop oral presentation at CVPR’14 (VSM)
April 2014: Paper accepted to CVPR Workshop on Web-scale Vision and Social Media (VSM’14)
March 2014: Obtained Schlumberger Faculty for the Future Fellowship!